
It Came from the Cellar!

Created by Tabletop Outfitter

"It Came from the Cellar!" is the quintessential 1st level adventure featuring a tavern, cellar, dungeon, oozes, sewers, rats, centipedes, and giant ratipedes! (We have included additional combat tables if you would like to run this for players at level 2 or 3.) In our quest to take the tropes of a level one adventure and turn it into something unique and exciting we have created a one of a kind adventure that is sure to challenge and excite your players. Our adventures are easy to read, specially formatted, and use bullet points to help the GM pick out details quickly so the adventure can be ran at a glance. We include maps, combat cards, spell cards, item cards, and paper miniatures so you can spend less time prepping for your game session.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

2 Hours to go, 10th Stretch Goal Unlocked
10 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 04:15:30 PM

10th Stretch Goal: More Village Street Maps Unlocked!

Amazing! 4749% funded! 574 backers! 2 hours to go and I think we could hit another stretch goal! I am excited to add more village street maps to this project. Our maps come in grid, no grid, and day and night versions where applicable. 

Stretch Goal #11: More Village Encounters with Maps

If we hit $7500 in the final 2 hours (a very real possibility) we will add more village encounters with maps expanding this project and making it our largest adventure yet! Available for all reward tiers. 

Thank you for your support!


Last Day and Stretch Goal #9 Unlocked!
10 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 03:52:38 PM

26 Hours Left

Hello, amazing backers! Thank you so much for coming along on this ride. Originally I did not intend to include a ratipede miniature or paper miniatures. As we put this project together I was brainstorming ideas that could make an adventure even easier to run for GMs. I myself use paper minis if I don't have the needed miniature or enough of a certain monster type. I thought it could be a great convenience to have all the paper miniatures you need for the combat encounters provided to you in this adventure. Then I thought, what if you already have printed and store bought miniatures and would rather have a giant ratipede miniature instead? Well, we could help with that too. 

This model is fierce, (designed by Gabriel Spangler) and when it was pulled out during playtesting all of the players were in "shock and awe"! In fact, their first instinct was to run. Then they all commented on how awesome this miniature is. 

Here is a giant ratipede model I painted with Army Painter Speed Paint. I followed the Speed Paints with some Citadel Wash (Nuln Oil) to make it dark and dirty!

Stretch Goal Unlocked: New Magic Item

As the minotaur army raized the village of Dawnfall, Dihlin Gubras, a wizard's apprentice worked night and day in the sewers of Duskfell to summon an army. His goal was to summon beasts to save Duskfell from the same fate of their sister city, Dawnfall.

Wary of his inept magic abilities he had carried the Rat King's Coin, a magic copper coin that would allow him to escape a dire situation by teleporting him to a place within 300 feet that he has been before. But the coin has gone missing and along with it his hope of escaping the giant ratipede that now stalks the sewers and tunnels below the village.

Next Stretch Goal: Village Map Pack 2 I like having multiple map options for running encounters in urban areas. We hope to deliver that here with another set of village street maps. Available for all reward tiers.

Thanks again!



Final Hours and Stretch Goal #8 Unlocked
10 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 04:13:23 AM

Final Hours

If you have been following along and have not pledged yet, please consider lending your support to help this project grow! We hope to help all gamemasters decrease the time prepping and preparing for game night by creating easy to read adventures that can be ran at-a-glance. Bring this D&D horror adventure featuring the giant ratipede to your game table!

Spell Cards Unlocked!

Didn't have time to read through every spell that could be possibly cast by your NPC or monster for tonight's game session? That's ok, we have you covered. This time around we are including the spell cards in every reward tier. 

Stretch Goal #8: Village Street Maps 2

We could all use more street maps for the encounters and shenanigans that can go on in the city, right? We will add more flavor to your urban adventure(s) with a new set of digital village street maps when stretch goal #8 is unlocked at $6500! 

Please consider liking our page and sharing our project on Facebook.

Thank you so much for supporting this project!



The Frozen Enigma

Click the picture to head to "The Frozen Enigma"!

Ars Mechanica - The Frozen Enigma - 5 E Steampunk Adventure

Winter is coming apparently, and those were warm days compared to where we're heading now.

Welcome to "Ars Mechanica: The Frozen Enigma", a Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition adventure taking us into the frigid norths of the Mousewenian Theocracy, in the world of Aerathain. Following their journey, the adventurers set out to a secluded city that has been frozen overnight. Their adventure will take them throughout the region, uncovering dangerous secrets.

Spread across 57 pages of icy narrative, adventurers from levels 12 to 15 will face a world where frost, machinery and magic is spreading everywhere with some intriguing new mechanics to survive into the cold!

If you never heard about Ars Mechanica and you would like to join this new steampunk adventure, the campaign give you the opportunity to buy the first 4 books at a special price!

Are you ready, to brave the new chapter of Ars Mechanica?

Final Days, Stretch Goal #7 Unlocked, and Bonus Content!
10 months ago – Sat, Dec 09, 2023 at 06:30:56 PM

Thank you so much for supporting this project!

Stretch Goal 7 Unlocked!

I am very excited to be including a giant ratipede sticker and a sheet of paper miniatures in each physical order that includes at least 1 book. The reward tiers that will get this bonus are the Softcover Book & Platinum Edition, Mithrail Edition, and any softcover book add-on made during the Kickstarter. If the only physical item you are receiving is the giant ratipede miniature add-on then you will receive the vinyl sticker.

Stretch Goal 7 Unlocked: Vinyl Sticker and Paper Miniatures on 14 pt gloss cardstock

Platinum Edition Bonus Content

We have something really special planned for the bonus content for the Platinum Edition. A haunted house location and ghastly encounter that will only be available in the Platinum Edition of "It Came From the Cellar!" for this Kickstarter. This bonus encounter is sure to add horrific thrills to your adventure.

The Platinum Edition also includes the following digital bonuses: art page, paper minis, character sheets, 4k resolution digital maps, your name in the credits page, bonus content, and is only available during this Kickstarter.

If you would like to upgrade to the Platinum Edition or pick up a book add-on, you can upgrade or add them to your pledge by clicking on "manage your pledge" located on our Kickstarter project page.

The Next Stretch Goal Unlocks at $6,000 

$6000 Stretch Goal: SPELL CARDS Each spell used by any NPC or monster will be available as a spell card. Combat & spell cards make referencing spells, magic items, and stat blocks super easy during game play. Spend less time looking through books or scrolling websites with these cards.

Please consider liking our page and sharing our project on Facebook.

Thank you for your support and reading this update! 



6th Stretch Goal Unlocked! New Map: Dragon Skull Tavern Map
11 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 01:44:41 PM

Dragon Skull Tavern Map

Wow, 6th stretch goal unlocked! Thank you everyone for supporting "It Came from the Cellar!". With your support we have unlocked the tavern map and we are hard at work adding more content and expanding the page count of this pdf and book. We will be working hard over the next week to complete the map for the Dragon Skull Tavern

In the meantime, check out the map for the cellar from stretch goal number 5. If your players decide to run from the giant ratipede like our play testers did, this one might come in handy for just that occasion.

Cellar Map: No Grid Version (Grid version will be included.)

Next Stretch Goal: Vinyl Stickers and Paper Minis

Our next stretch goal unlocks at $5500 and includes a vinyl sticker of the giant ratipede by the amazing artist, Danh Tran. It also includes a sheet of paper miniatures printed on 14 pt gloss cardstock. Both of these stretch goal rewards will go to all backers who have at least one physical book included in their pledge. (If you only have the physical add-on of the giant ratipede miniature and no books in your pledge, you will get the vinyl sticker.)

Thank you for your continued support!



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